Sunday, September 6, 2015

Labor Day 2015


I hope this Capitol Report finds all well with you and your family!  Another month has come and gone and I find it is already September!  This month finds me preparing for veto session, working hard on committee work as well as preparing for the upcoming session.  I will be in Jefferson City quite a bit during the first half of the month due to how the schedule has fallen. 

Every year on the first Monday in September, we pause as a nation to take pride in the determination and spirit of the American worker. Labor Day is a celebration of what American workers have achieved, not for a single group, but instead for all Americans. That is what makes this holiday different from all others.
Labor Day not only shows our appreciation for the efforts of workers in the past, but it gives honor to the efforts that American labor continues to put forth. Our workers today have led America into an age of unparalleled peace and prosperity. Their hard work carries on the construction of the strongest and most technologically advanced society in the world, and their labors continue to help make our nation a better place.

This Labor Day, take a moment to reflect upon the benefits that American labor bought for all of us with their efforts, and the brighter days they will help us achieve with their continued diligence. 

Please call my office if we can be of service to you! If you would like to meet with me, please call my office at (573) 751-1494 and I will be happy to schedule a time for us to sit down and discuss any issues that you are needing assistance with!!
Just as a reminder, if you need assistance with a Medicaid issue, please call my office, especially if you have been told it will be several weeks before a decision can be made..  We will work on your issue to help you get an answer in a timely manner.  Please do not wait for more than a couple of weeks before calling my office.  If you need a response in an urgent situation, call my office immediately.  
Also, if you or someone you know, are retiring, having a 50th 
or more Wedding Anniversary or a 90th or higher birthday, we would love to get a resolution prepared.  We are also happy to prepare resolutions in other situations as well.  Please call my office if we can provide this service for you or someone you know.   
Until Next Week,