As most of you know, life on
the campaign trail is very
busy but Tila is getting to
meet a lot of people around
the 151st District. Each and
every person has a unique
story to share and everyone
has been great to share with
Tila the things that are most
important to them to see from
a representative. Some of the
stories are being shared with
Tila are those of people
working hard and having a
difficult time these days. We
all know how hard it is
financially for families and
businesses. Tila wants to
work hard to make sure that
everyone has a chance to be
successful in what they are
doing. This is important to
each of us and to our area.
Tila wants to promote our
area as a good place to live,
work and to raise a family
in. Please continue to share
your stories about your life
and what you want to see
from a state legislator with
Tila, she appreciates hearing
from you! If you have a
story or comment that you
want to share, please e-mail,
call or write to Tila! She will
One person shared with Tila their struggle of being
a person with limited income and declining health,
“…I have worked all my life and it is frustrating to be
told that I don’t qualify for any type of assistance
because I have worked all my life…it seems to me
that it is wrong to punish me for having worked to
take care of myself, I don’t want to be dependent
on the government…”
Tila has attended several City Council Meetings throughout the district making sure to attend both Stoddard and Scott County Republican Club meetings whenever possible.
Tila was a part of the Friends of the NRA Banquet that was
held on May 1st and attended
the National Day of Prayer. Tila was able to have a booth at the Puxico Car Show and
the 100 Mile Yard Sale. At the booths, Tila was able to meet and speak with many that live
in the 151st about the issues
that are facing us today. Tila’s
oldest daughter, Shelby, graduated high school this month, this was an event that was both enjoyable and
something that Tila wasn’t
quite yet ready for! The door to door campaign is off and going as well, please pray that
everyone stays well hydrated.
If you haven’t had Tila or one
of the team members knock on your door already, you will see them soon! The goal
for the door to door campaign is to knock on as many doors
as possible in the 151st District.
Tila wants everyone to know that your voice and your vote matter.
Check out Tila’s Face book page
and website. The website address
is Like Tila’s
page on Face book if you haven’t
already done so!! You can also
follow Tila on Twitter.
A few pics from the campaign trail....