Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Did you know that in 109 of Missouri counties there is less than one primary care physician for 3,000 people and/or there are no primary care provider services within 30 minutes of travel time??

Missourians need better access to healthcare!!
Nurse Practitioners can help people access healthcare!

Of the 114 counties in Missouri, 109 are considered Healthcare Professional Shortage Areas.  This means there is less than one primary care physician for 3,000 people and/or there are not primary care services within 30 minutes of travel time.  Missourians need better access to healthcare than this!!  I am working to see that Missourians have better access to healthcare!  Healthcare is important to all individuals and if people cannot even find a healthcare provider we all have a problem!

Nurse Practitioners are healthcare individuals who have obtained graduate education, post-master’s certificates and doctoral degrees.  The clinical competencies and professional development are hallmarks of Nurse Practitioner education.  Nurse Practitioners are accountable in a manner that is consistent with an ethical code of conduct, national certification, periodic peer review, clinical outcomes evaluation and evidence of continued professional development. 

Nurse Practitioners can help provide Missourians in these shortage areas with highly qualified and competent healthcare providers while also, over a 10 year period, provide a cost savings of an estimated $1.6 Billion to the state and individual Missourians.  Let’s work together to reduce regulations that keep Missourians from accessing high quality healthcare and allow Nurse Practitioners to help meet the healthcare needs of Missourians while will also saving Missouri and Missourians money!