Friday, December 18, 2015

Pre-Filing 2015

Pre-Filing is in full swing...

Tuesday, Dec. 1st, marked the first day legislators in both chambers of the Missouri General Assembly could pre-file bills for the 2016 legislative session. During the first two days of pre-filing House members filed 261 bills. This figure shatters previous marks for bill filing activity. In comparison, the 2014 session saw just 195 bills pre-filed throughout the month-long pre-filing period.  Many are projecting over 2000 bills to be pre-filed this month.  I am afraid we will make or even surpass that projection!


For the 2016 legislative session, the bills pre-filed by my office include:

•HB 1366 is taking a proactive approach in the pharmaceutical arena by enacting a new law that would allow for an interchangeable biological product to be dispensed.  This bill has the potential to allow Missourians better access to biological products used in the treatment of conditions such as arthritis, anemia, skin conditions, and various forms of cancer.  I am hopeful it will be a proactive step towards controlling one area of prescription drug costs.

•HB 1367 would give the General Assembly an additional level of involvement and oversight of the state education department particularly in regard to the use of federal funding.  I am hopeful this bill will be a conversation starter for a re-building of trust between the people of this state, DESE and the General Assembly and a reunification towards us all working together to ensure Missouri children receive the very best education possible.

•HB 1368 (refiled from last session) would establish a committee to examine the regulations the State Schools for the Severely Disabled operate under in an effort to make changes to allow the schools to better meet the needs of children.

•HB 1557 and HB 1558 both are from last session and relate to duplicative regulations/inspections for nursing facilities, hoping to get this to a unified and consistent type of inspection process as well as clear and consistent regulations.  This will be a step to ensuring safe and high quality nursing facilities, it is very difficult for them to achieve this when the inspectors and regulations contradict.

•HB 1712 will add that a managed care plan's network (health insurance) shall be deemed adequate if the plan is offered by a carrier accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care.

•HB 1866 will allow Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to practice without a mileage restriction and address some other barriers to healthcare access that currently negatively impact rural Missourians.

•HB 1879 will reinstate the Cap back into the Foundation Formula for the funding of education making it so that the Foundation Formula may be fully funded without a massive tax increase each year, this will also allow our rural schools to be more adequately and fairly funded compared with urban schools.

•I am still working on 2 other bills that I plan to file, one is related to offering dyslexia training to every teacher in the state at no cost to our local schools and addressing the certification process for educators.  The wording on both of these are still being discussed, I will let you know as soon as I file these bills.

•One final bill, I am not sure when we will have it ready for filing as it is very complicated, is to address nursing facilities via quality improvement/incentives and/or reimbursement.  Our nursing facilities get a very bad "rap" due to the care or perception of the care delivery system.  I am hoping to address this through improved training, quality improvement methods and reimbursements so that CNA's (Certified Nursing Assistants) will receive better pay as they are the ones who provide the majority of direct hands on patient care, we all know "you get what you pay for" so I hope to ensure the best possible staff for our elderly who are in nursing facilities.


I will be also filing, in January when that filing time opens, 3 resolutions that will address Federal Government overreach.  I am hopeful these statements will receive bipartisan support and make it clear to our Federal Delegation that we, as Missourians, support common sense approaches to government that are as close to the people as possible and we do not feel the Federal Government knows best in all things.


This update is quite lengthy, I could list more than what I have listed here but I am afraid the report would become so large and cumbersome no one would want to read it!  I have tried to keep things brief and list only the highlights.  I have attended many, many meetings which I have not listed but if you have questions about any of the meetings I have attended, please feel free to call or email me and ask!  I am always happy to share with others what I have been doing most importantly the things I have learned!


I very much appreciate another opportunity to serve you in this upcoming session.  I will work hard to stop government overreach while also protecting our citizens and our way of life.  Please contact me if you would like to discuss any of the bills mentioned above or any of those filed by other legislators.  I will be happy to find a time for us to meet and talk!


I won't send out a report again until after Christmas as we all will be spending as much time with family as possible.   Enjoy this Holiday Season and spend as much time as possible with your loved ones!!


Merry Christmas!!
